We're getting ready for baby... and that includes an Infant Care Class at the hospital. We learned how to properly change diapers, give the newborn a bath, swaddle, and many other useful things. I will admit, changing fake baby Dunlop's diaper in class was my first diaper change. In life. Ever. And when the teacher asked if it was anyone's first time changing a diaper, I was too embarrassed to raise my hand because NO ONE else in the class did. I didn't want to seem like an unfit mother and have judgmental eyes looking at me saying "wow... that poor child..."!!! Josh looked at me when she asked the question, but I avoided his stare... to which he said under his breath "yyeaaaahhh.... liar!" But I don't care. First time or not first time, I think I understand what a diaper change entails, so I didn't feel obligated to raise my hand. So there.
PS. Post class we came home and instead of going to bed (which I should have), Josh and I opened a bag and then proceeded to FINISH the bag of kettle corn from TJs. Yes. All 7+ servings of it. In one sitting. While watching Top Chef Masters. High class all the way.
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