Tuesday, April 13, 2010

2 weeks notice...

Sooo... went to the doctor yesterday (I'm going once a week now... I've gotten to the point where the staff makes comments like, "Audrey - you've been pregnant forever! When are you due again?"... I'm a regular around the office these days... I could order 'the usual' if there were such a thing at an OBGYN...).

I had an ultrasound where she told me the baby:

  • was head down - which is a good thing
  • weighed about 6lb 14oz give or take based on the size of the head, belly, and femur bone
  • had the head size of a 38 1/2 week old (I'm only at 36 mind you... yeah. Wasn't exactly hoping for a big head, but we'll take it. Ouch.)
  • was very healthy and had was moving around like a champ

All good things, right (aside from the bobblehead factor)? THEN, after a little exam, she told me the baby was pretty low in the pelvis and she'd give me 2 weeks. I said "Two weeks until what?" to which she laughed and said "Two weeks until you don't get to sleep anymore and you have a baby!" WHAT?? 2 weeks? Now. This all comes with her disclaimer which is "I'm not the Holy Spirit so I can't guarentee it" but she's been doing it for 30 years, so she's gotta have SOME idea of what's to come.

So - time to really get ready. Finish the nursery, pack a hospital bag, and most importantly, enjoy these last couple weeks of SLEEP...


Sarah said...

How exciting! It's hard to believe it's so close; we are so excited for you. I thought it was nice to have baby E early because who really wants to keep waiting if the baby is ready to come? She had a mighty big head too, which is one reason I think she came early. You'll be ok!! These babies are definitely worth it. Can't wait to see your little girl!

Sarah said...

Do NOT have this baby when we're in Mexico!!! Audrey/Josh...two weeks? I'm so excited for you and please, please tell me if you need anything!

Connie B said...

And time to get REALLY excited! :)