Friday, April 9, 2010

i heart aiden...

I like Sex and The City, but I heart Aiden. We never had HBO growing up, so watching the full episodes of SATC is a fairly new thing for me. In fact, when it started replaying edited versions on TBS and such a couple years ago, I thought "Man - why was this on HBO?? It's not risque at all!!"... and then I finally saw a real full length episode and realized that my highschool eyes, coming from a private elementary school and somewhat sheltered junior high in a small town would have been a little shocked. Oh, sheltered, highschool Audrey. But all in good time I've caught up.

I never thought Carrie was good enough for Aiden - and as much as I loved them together, I think I just loved them for Aiden. I adore Aiden. So seeing this trailer made me really excited for late May... just because I think Aiden is so cute and great... and I love looking at the clothes that I could NEVER pull off. Maybe this will be my first girls night out sans baby?? Martini please... then pump and dump. So excited!!

1 comment:

Lindsey Olsen said...

YES PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will be there that weekend for sure! :)