Monday, March 14, 2011

You're a tiger!!

Or a cheetah. One of the two anyway. Sleepy PJ mornings with Ruby!

Sorry for the delay in posting. Ruby likes to be on the computer and slaps the keys as she looks at pictures of herself on the blog. Yesterday we realized our "t", "h", "c", and "v" keys weren't working. Hmmm... no more "typing" for Ruby. BUT, good news - we restarted the computer and all is well. But for awhile there we thought blogging would be terribly hard. Imagine:

Sorry for e delay in posing. Ruby likes o be on e ompuer and slaps e keys as se looks a piures of erself on e blog. Yeserday we realized our "", "", "", and "" keys weren' working.

It stresses me out just looking at it. Thankfully, all is as it should be. For now.


Rolerkite said...

Ruby looks like she's got a rockstar haircut.
She's just adorable

Dressing On The Side said...

we sent her something (via Amazon) that she might enjoy to tap at...

Sarah said...

oh my...she is just adorable. love the first photo-ruffles, cheetah print, too cute.

MegH said...

Hahaha!! I love how you re typed the paragraph without the letters! You're hilarious!:)