Ruby's a wedding animal!! She's already been to 3 and she's not even 4 months old. AND, she has 2 more in the next 2 weeks. Ruby! Slow it down!
These were taken by the fabulous Auntie Kim. She's loves her some Ruby shots. And we love that she loves them because Josh and I are HORRIBLE at remembering to bring our camera anywhere. Seriously. ANYWHERE.
Funny story - Ruby and I hung out in the "cry room" during the service and watched the ceremony via TV. I had just finished feeding Ruby when the doors to the cry room opened, I heard "May I present to you Mr. and Mrs. Ainsworth!!" and next thing I knew, Chris and Amanda are taking their first steps as a married couple straight into the cry room to be greeted by none other than Ruby and her almost exposed mother. Congrats you two!! Here's my boobs! Ha! That Ruby... life of the party...
i just love her fuzzy feathers on top of her head!
omg...the sweater. I die. shut.the.front.door.cute.
i'll photograph your family any day! you guys are great, i LOVE that you bring Ruby everywhere; blazing that trial and showing us how it is to be done!! thanks for being the AMAZing example of FABULOUS parenting...i hope josh writes that book we talked about!
How are Gramma & Grampa Dunlop enjoying their visit??
How about some pictures of them with Ruby & family.
..The Charleswood Life Group.
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