Five months? Sheesh. Time flies. She's such a big girl and has a lot of firsts this past month.
First cold,
first foot in mouth experience,
first roll over, first time wearing jeans (it's almost unbearable how cute she is in them), first festival in San Fran (and therefore first experience with the City and it's wackos... there's plenty for a baby to look at in that city. Good thing it's okay for babies to stare...). She's growing up so fast!
SO SO CUTE! love the dots; the ruffles; and RUBY!! how cute is she???!
she is just so cute! i love the smiley stage and the always chill attitude she has! such an awesome little one she is!
What a cute little thing she is! Can't believe its been 5 months! Love the finger in the mouth. She had to squeeze a sassy little pose in there somewhere :)
that second to last picture is insanely adorable. lil diva!
She is so beautiful. Crazy how fast it goes by.
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