Friday, April 30, 2010
baby big foot?
Guess how big baby dunlop's foot was...
3 1/2 INCHES!
It's freaking Big Foot in my stomach! And with Josh's hair tendencies, it really COULD be Sasquatch! I said "So is that like when a great dane puppy is born and its feet are too big for its body?" and she just laughed. I'm taking that as a yes. She definitely takes after her mother and her size 10 feet...
It's okay, honey - all the good shoes are always gone in the 6-8 size range... you'll get the pick of the litter come Nordstrom's 1/2 yearly sale... :)
Monday, April 26, 2010
another update...

Sunday, April 25, 2010
thinking thinking thinking...
Other than that, we're just awaiting our precious little one... name still in the air, but we're excited to meet her and see who she looks like so we can finalize the name and introduce you all to her!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010
This is how I feel today...
Sunday, April 18, 2010
all grown up...
Thursday, April 15, 2010
the peanut gallery
"That cervix looks like a wookie..."
(as the chart of cervix sizes was passed) "That's as big as one of those throw-the-softball-in-the-hole-for-a-prize games at the carnival!"
"Don't you kinda want to go back in time and bitch slap Eve?"
Childbirth classes were very informative. Sometimes TOO much information for my ignorance-is-bliss state of mind, but Josh and I had a blast doing it together. Bring it on, baby!!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
2 weeks notice...

I had an ultrasound where she told me the baby:
- was head down - which is a good thing
- weighed about 6lb 14oz give or take based on the size of the head, belly, and femur bone
- had the head size of a 38 1/2 week old (I'm only at 36 mind you... yeah. Wasn't exactly hoping for a big head, but we'll take it. Ouch.)
- was very healthy and had was moving around like a champ
All good things, right (aside from the bobblehead factor)? THEN, after a little exam, she told me the baby was pretty low in the pelvis and she'd give me 2 weeks. I said "Two weeks until what?" to which she laughed and said "Two weeks until you don't get to sleep anymore and you have a baby!" WHAT?? 2 weeks? Now. This all comes with her disclaimer which is "I'm not the Holy Spirit so I can't guarentee it" but she's been doing it for 30 years, so she's gotta have SOME idea of what's to come.
So - time to really get ready. Finish the nursery, pack a hospital bag, and most importantly, enjoy these last couple weeks of SLEEP...
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Meet Fake Baby Dunlop...
Friday, April 9, 2010
i heart aiden...
I never thought Carrie was good enough for Aiden - and as much as I loved them together, I think I just loved them for Aiden. I adore Aiden. So seeing this trailer made me really excited for late May... just because I think Aiden is so cute and great... and I love looking at the clothes that I could NEVER pull off. Maybe this will be my first girls night out sans baby?? Martini please... then pump and dump. So excited!!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
it can officially happen now...
PS - note to self: try putting on real clothes when documenting the growing belly. Sheesh. I promise - no more sweats in future shots... maybe... :)
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
heat wave!
I first attempted to move my weight from one hip to the other, thinking I just needed a position change and possibly try to get this baby away from my lungs so I could breathe... no luck.
I started fanning myself with the church program... instant relief, but didn't solve the I-can't-breathe issue.
At this point I started to breathe loudly... more like doing my pilates breaths -- Josh gave me a look like "Are you going into labor?!?"
I had to get out of there - I told Josh I just had to stand up and not to worry - no baby on its way. I got up to go stand in the lobby and just let gravity do its thing. Worked like a charm.
After a few minutes of relief I went back in, and like the large and in charge woman I am, I tried to slip into my seat which was the seat to the inside of Josh. In my attempts to do so with grace and sophistication, I knocked the man who was sitting in front of Josh in the head with my belly. Classy, Audrey. Classy.
Anyway - no pictures documenting Easter Sunday because it was grey and rainy and well, I was a sweaty beast. But here's the latest and greatest of the bell...
Josh has to push it out to keep up with big mama...
Growing and growing and growing...
Friday, April 2, 2010
happy easter weekend!
This weekend will be one of relaxation and some nursery work for Josh and I. A trip to Michael's today resulted in the crib mobile parts and Josh is creating a sewing kit/box using one of the two jewelry box attempts. Since we've been home he's already sewn on his Canada flag patch onto his life jacket. Tomorrow is mobile day. We're getting crafty, people!
It's fun to think next year we'll be shopping for tiny little Easter dresses... so precious.
Anyway - what you all really wanted to see - the Easter bell... as in belly. We'll post our family Easter pic tomorrow... in our Sunday best. I know - you're on the edge of your seats...
Happy Easter!!