The nursery is NEARLY there... the bookshelf is in and things are somewhat in their place. I'm feeling better now that the clutter is moreso organized chaos. It shall be all put away soonish and pictures will be posted! We have the last of the baby gear in the wash now and my house is clean-ish. I'm feeling productive! I'm thinking of having a cleaning service come through this upcoming weekend and give everything a thorough clean. We got a coupon in the mail for a discounted cleaning from an "all-green" company and I'm thinking, why not??
Other than that, we're just awaiting our precious little one... name still in the air, but we're excited to meet her and see who she looks like so we can finalize the name and introduce you all to her!

are those flowers VIOLET!?!!
Sounds like someone is NESTING!
As a "baby gift" my mom is getting us two house cleanings. One right before baby comes, and another a few weeks after when everything (including myself) is a complete mess again.
hold on with the pics--there might be somethin somethin coming to brighten up the crib area :)
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