I had an ultrasound where she told me the baby:
- was head down - which is a good thing
- weighed about 6lb 14oz give or take based on the size of the head, belly, and femur bone
- had the head size of a 38 1/2 week old (I'm only at 36 mind you... yeah. Wasn't exactly hoping for a big head, but we'll take it. Ouch.)
- was very healthy and had was moving around like a champ
All good things, right (aside from the bobblehead factor)? THEN, after a little exam, she told me the baby was pretty low in the pelvis and she'd give me 2 weeks. I said "Two weeks until what?" to which she laughed and said "Two weeks until you don't get to sleep anymore and you have a baby!" WHAT?? 2 weeks? Now. This all comes with her disclaimer which is "I'm not the Holy Spirit so I can't guarentee it" but she's been doing it for 30 years, so she's gotta have SOME idea of what's to come.
So - time to really get ready. Finish the nursery, pack a hospital bag, and most importantly, enjoy these last couple weeks of SLEEP...
How exciting! It's hard to believe it's so close; we are so excited for you. I thought it was nice to have baby E early because who really wants to keep waiting if the baby is ready to come? She had a mighty big head too, which is one reason I think she came early. You'll be ok!! These babies are definitely worth it. Can't wait to see your little girl!
Do NOT have this baby when we're in Mexico!!! Audrey/Josh...two weeks? I'm so excited for you and please, please tell me if you need anything!
And time to get REALLY excited! :)
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