I will apologize in advance... I've been in a nesting mood and this means I can't stop thinking about things that need to be bought/will be bought for the new little addition to our family. I've realized my blog has turned into a baby-zone and for those of you who could care less, I apologize. Hang in there with me. I promise I'll post about other things than pregnancy and babies and freaking amazing rockers... but first I have to talk about this amazing rocker I've fallen in love with but would need to sell a kidney to own...

rocker is beautiful. I've seen rocking chairs in like every baby store/website there is, but they all have this vinyl cover or look cheap or is a lazy-boy type feel that just doesn't go with the rest of our furniture let alone our design tastes. But this rocker is gorgeous. Something that you could have in your house with or without a baby. I love it. It's more than the price of our rent check each month, but a girl can dream, no...?
It's not the same, but worth a look: http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/categories/series/07472/
They have a rocker as well, but the non-rocker chair has a bit of movement to it anyway.
well...it IS on sale!
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