So our farm box has been coming consistently and the past 2 times it has had collard greens... what oh what to do with collard greens?!!? I ruined them last time (tried the garlicky greens from 101 cookbooks but accidentally over olive oiled so they were too soggy to consume)... I've been thinking quiche because I have all ingredients on hand? Someone has to have some suggestions... hit me with your best shot!
Quiche sounds amazing. I wonder if you could put the greens in lasagna as well.
yeah, i've been getting a lot of greens from my csa box too. definitely not my fav. i liked the farro soup we had this week though...i used collards and dandelion greens. my blog has the recipe.
dave and i get the farm box as well!! love it!!
Well you could do southern greens..You put a little EVOO in the bottom of a soup pot (I add some garlic) and brown a chunk of pork salt...or you can do some bacon instead without the EVOO. Basically you are wanting the drippings from both of these things. Add in a chopped onion and cook. Then add in your cut-up collards. Let these wilt. Then add water to cover or chicken broth. Make sure you keep the pork salt or bacon in the pot as you simmer it for about 30-45 min. At the end, I add about a tsp-tbl of sugar along with some apple cider vinegar to taste. You can remove the bacon, slice it, and put it back in too if you do bacon. If you do the pork salt, just remove.
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