Well, I've almost gone a month without blogging. I think about it often but just can't get around to actually sitting down and blogging! Here's a summary of sorts:
Ruby still says "Happy Holidays!" as she sees me off to work. She REALLY liked the holiday season. This year we stayed here (BLISS!). No traveling. No airports. No carseats to lug around. My whole family came here and stayed in a home not 5 minutes from ours. It was wonderful. So wonderful to see them and yet so wonderful to still have our own space. Ruby opened presents the whole week. Having Nonna and Papa and 2 sets of aunties/uncles bring gifts galore can spoil a 2 year old! So Ruby will probably say "Happy Holidays!" for quite some time... :)
Christmas morning was a funny time. We set out the cookies, milk, and carrots before Ruby went to bed. We explained the whole Santa thing and she got it. It clicked. She understood. So Christmas morning when she woke up and there was a bite missing from the cookie and the milk was gone and the carrots were 1/2 eaten, she yelled "Santa came!" So we thought, "Oh man. When she turns that corner and sees all her presents, she's going to be so excited!" She turned the corner and... she cried. Cried because she wanted NOTHING to do with it.We had to carry her past the presents/tree to the kitchen to convince her to eat breakfast and slowly open her stocking gifts. Too much pressure for a 2 year old apparently...
I'm trying to teach Eleanor "Mama"... she's babbling up a storm and I'm pushing for mama as a first word contender. Shhh... don't tell Josh.
New years was celebrated at 8:30PM with smore's and friends. Girls were in bed shortly after and then Josh and I had a mini Wonder Years marathon and in bed by 11PM. Happy Wild New Year!
Auntie Sam came into town for an afternoon this past weekend. So so so wonderful to see her. Like any true Auntie, she had plenty of apps on her phone for the toddler folk and Ruby was definitely a fan. Can't wait to see her again - hopefully sooner than later!
Eleanor loves to "fall" with daddy... Josh, while holding her, does a mini free fall with her and she giggles giggles giggles. But Ruby still has the magic touch - anything she does can bring a huge grin to that sweet baby's face! She's nearing sitting up on her own and loves to lock her legs and "stand" for surprisingly long periods of time. She's growing up so fast!
My picture taking days seem to be in the past... but I'll try to keep up one way or another!
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
1 day ago
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