Three months old! I can officially say we have an infant... no longer a newborn. She's more sturdy, she's starting to show a little personality (easy going, super smiley, just a doll - is that considered "personality"?? anyway...), and that head isn't a bobble-head doll figurine anymore. This baby homegirl is doing just fine... she's been giving mom and dad smiles for awhile, but now she's recognizing Ruby and flashing her the gummy grin on occasion too. Especially during breakfast time... peek-a-boo galore! Super content to hang out and watch mom cook or play with big sis, loves to feel daddy's beard on her tummy or feet, and is just a joy joy joy for us to parent... Today is actually my first day back at work. I'm heartbroken to leave this little one (and her sister), but know that it must be done. I'm counting down the hours to when I get to go home and soak in that gummy grin - over and over again. Love you, boo!
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
1 day ago
SO SO SO Cute!!! Those pictures are great! And, I love the shirt ;)
simply precious!!
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