Ruby has been going to daycare 3 days a week for awhile now... and we decided to keep it up while I'm home with Eleanor in order to give me some space and sanity - (plus, if we pull her, we lose our spot and then are out of luck come November when I go back to work...) This past week, daycare was on "summer break" so Ruby was home with me. For some ridiculous reason I decided this would also be the week to transition Eleanor to her crib for naptimes. What. A. Mistake.
See - E has 2 kinds of cries. One is the coo/whine kind of noise. It's actually kinda cute to be honest. She's just telling you she's a little uncomfortable or "Hey mom - Ruby is using my arms as conductor sticks..." No biggie. And her other cry is this bone shaking, nerve shattering SCREAM. It makes your heart beat so fast and gives you this sense of urgency that makes you want to snap at innocent 2 year old stand bys... This is the cry she does when I put her down for her naps. Every. Single. Time. Which makes playing with an energetic and demanding 2 year old a little difficult. We're working through it. Each day gets better and better and I think it will continue... I have hope! Plus - this weekend Josh is home so I have reinforcements...
What's on your weekend's radar? I'm snuggling with these two...
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
1 day ago
SUCH incredibly cute photos of your girlies!!! Ruby's hair has gotten so long! I must say that it WILL get better as long as you are trying and trying again with E! Emelynn did the SAME EXACT THING! I remember I was soooo frustrated and miraculously when she turned 3 months old...or 12 weeks (I really believe that 4th trimester stuff now) she all of the sudden got it! =) I am hoping I remember this when her sister comes along and that I don't stress out so much in the beginning about it....Good luck! HUGS and LOVE!!! xoxoxo
Oh, you guys make cute girls. :)
Our weekend will consist of resting up after a busy few weeks...and gearing up to visit you next weekend. Looking forward to time with you all.
sweet girls xo
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