We may be doing a lot of ooo-ing and ahhh-ing over sweet baby Eleanor over here, but Ruby is holding her own in the precious category... Like I mentioned before, Ruby grew like a weed when I was in the hospital because I came home to a little girl and not a baby - but even more than her size, her understanding and vocabulary have skyrocketed in the past few weeks... A few of our favorites...
"Mama. Just a second!" - Once I heard her start to say it to me, I realized how much I say it to her! It's just cute because she uses it in the right context. "Ruby - we need to change your diaper." "Just a second!" is her reply as she pops out her head from her room and points her middle finger at me (no - she's not flipping me off - she has used her middle finger as her main pointer finger ever since she was a wee one...)
"I yike it!" - She says "like" with a "y"... "Baby Eleanor will yike it" or "Mama, you yike it?" It's just precious.
"Pom on!" - She's gotten better with her "c" sounds, but it's just so darn cute when she says "Pom on, Daddy!"
"A tiger gonna get us!" - Ruby's imagination has taken off! She will tell me "mama - the elephants are gonna get us! Hide in the closet!" At first I was concerned that she was so frightened of these imaginary animals, but now when she mentions them, we talk about the Mommy Tiger and Baby Tiger and get out our "tiger wand" to shoo them away... diffuses the problem... but an active imagination no less!
"I fine!" - When we ask if she wants something, often times her answer is "No thank you. I fine!" What manners, little one!
"Aww Man!" - After something drops or she can't quite reach something, her reaction is "Aww man!" - and throw in that cute toddler accent and it's freaking adorable.
I'm sure there are more Ruby-isms, but these are the only ones that come to my head currently... That Ruby. Never a dull moment!
Video taken like day 2 of being home... she sure does love her sister!
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
1 day ago
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