This weekend was birthday weekend for Ruby! While her actual birthday was Friday, we made sure to celebrate all weekend long! The real par-TAY began on Friday night with the arrival of the Olsens. Woo woo!
We were so blessed to have them come up for the whole weekend!! Friday night was just dinner and hang out time, but Saturday was a BUSY day for everyone!
We started the day with birthday breakfast at the Boathouse at Hendry's beach. Gorgeous day and we were seated right on the water. So nice! A stroll on the beach quickly led Ruby to ask/demand "Park! Park!" so off to the park we went. Birthday girl gets what birthday girl wants!
A lunch and a nap later and we were in cupcake zone...
We literally were outside all day aside from naptime. It was so nice!!
Saturday was also Cinco de Mayo, so Mexican food it was - followed by ice cream of course.
Sunday was capped off with Jeannine's coffee and pastries and a big hug to Kayleigh and Auntie and Uncle bye bye.
Overall, a FABULOUS 2nd birthday. Ruby would tell you herself if she could.Thanks for coming up, Auntie, Uncle, and Kayleigh! We miss you already!
Hopefully I'll get more day to day updates in now that we're getting more settled (errr... don't mind the artwork on floor in our kitchen... the rest of our house is totally put together... yeah... right...)
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
1 day ago
The birthday girl looks like she's got a tan!
Did the bday present from us arrive yet?
audrey! hi! so funny, nick and I were driving home on the weekend and nick (yes, NICK, a man) says out of the blue- "oh my gosh, that little girl is so cute" as we were driving by you guys walking from McConnells! I was like "oh gosh, YES, she is"... before then blurting out, and almost slamming on the brakes to say hi- "WAIT I KNOW THEM!!!". but for the sake of not getting in an accident I didn't... but wanted to say HI and that from an unbiased, and normally manly source, your little girls is a definite cutie :) so happy birthday Ruby!
Happy (belated) Birthday, Ruby!
Mama, you're lookin' good!
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