This girl is AMAZING. So funny. So smart. So cute! Yesterday I said "We need to do laundry, Ruby!" and she grabbed an armful of her dirty clothes, took them to the washer, and got on her tippy tippy toes to try to put them in the machine. She's a doll... AND a helper! She's still really into books. Loves to say "BYYYYE!!" when someone puts on their jacket or starts up a car engine. New words and sounds are coming daily and she adores hide and go seek/chasing games... it's hard to imagine that the 2 year mark is now closer than the 1 year mark... we have an official toddler on our hands! She's our whole world and we adore every slobbery kiss she gives us!
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
1 day ago
great photos!!!
Happy 1/2 birthday RubyBird!!
She is SO big. Oh my word. Miss you, Audrey!
so cute. i love the one of her laughing with her nose crinkled up!
xo chanel
I love these. And all of you.
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