Ruby is 14 months old today! She is just a little busy body. All over. Never sitting still. Loves to walk around although still no steps on her own. She'll do a few in between Josh and I when coaxed but why walk when she has our fingers to hold onto, right?? Ruby's vocabulary is growing, growing, growing... she can identify her, yours, and her animals' noses, eyes, mouth, head, feet, toes, belly button... she makes a fish noise when you ask (CUTEST THING EVER) and is quickly learning monkey noises. Still a book worm... always has her head in a book. Loves peek-a-boo games and to "knock knock knock" on anything (that's what she's doing in the 2nd picture below). She's amazing. She thrills us and makes us proud everyday...

she is TOO her up. We think she has Audrey's baby teeth--which means they'll be lots of teeth to come :)
(I can say that because you have MY teeth!)
SO cute! We cant wait to play!!!!
holy moly, Ruby! She's a growing machine.
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