...that's where she's been - here's her on the big 1 birthday!!
Ruby is one year old today. It just makes my head spin thinking about it. Of course it went quickly, but at the same time it was perfect. She was the perfect addition to our family and now both Josh and I cannot imagine our lives without her. She pulls herself up onto everything and she's so FAST! She loves to play the "where is...?" game - we ask her where something is, she gets a quizzical look on her face while she looks around, her eyes light up and she smiles when she finds it, and then points to the object we asked for... then applauds for herself. She pretty much applauds for herself for any reason these days. She's all about the finger foods lately and as you can see above, loves to drink from a spray bottle. She's our whole world. Happy birthday, baby!!
love the one with her dashing off the chair :) kind of shows how much she's grown! Happy Birthday RubyBird!!
can't wait till we get to celebrate!
Happy Birthday, little Ruby! She's such a sweetheart, and I am so glad she's in this world with us. And happy Birth anniversary to you, Audrey and Josh.
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