We are busy bees! We've had busy weekends since June and things are still going... So far, we've:
Had Joey and Lindsey here 2 weekends in a row
Went to Rocklin for a wedding
Luke (Josh's brother) was in town this past weekend
My parents are in town this upcoming weekend
Lindsey is up next weekend while Josh goes down to LA for a bachelor party
We're going to Ohio for a wedding the next weekend
And then we have a weekend to ourselves (although I'm sure something will come up to fill our time... that's the joy of having an adorable baby that everyone wants to see!)
But the real exciting news... I'm going to attempt Zumba tomorrow.

I'm not looking forward to flourescent lights, mirrors, post-baby weight jiggle, double sports bras, and sweat sweat sweat... but I AM looking forward to a good work out. Joanna is kind enough to come with me... for moral support (and possible physical support if I pass out mid-shimmy). Wish me luck.