Okay... so we have some flipping to show you... (sidenote: I'm able to post today because I got 7 hours of sleep last night!! Ruby has been in the habit of only sleeping when someone is holding her which meant Josh or Audrey slept in shifts in the nursery chair holding her. We attribute this to her small size. But slowly she's been getting used to her bassinet and sleeping on her own and last night she slept there in between each feeding which means mom and dad got to sleep in their own bed together - the first time since before my water broke! Heaven...)
Here's little Ruby (at the time nameless Baby Dunlop) at the hospital. They had to stick a tube up her nose to clear out some fluid in her lungs, so her little nose was swollen and therefore when breathing, she was snorting. Our little piggie. At times it was so cute - kinda like a puppy bull dog or something - and at the same time it broke my little new mom heart because it just sounds hard and painful to breathe! But this is Ruby about 24 hours old...
And here she is now!! Well, as of Friday - she's just changing all the time!
Now I promised myself I wouldn't be one of those people that changes all their blog entries and facebook pictures and everything to their new baby, but I have to admit - I totally see why people do it! She's our world! And well, my day consists of 24 hours of Ruby, so blogging about anything else just seems like work. And that's the last thing I want to do right now... work. So enjoy. Hopefully more pics to come soon!!
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
1 day ago
So cute!!! And how great that you and Josh were able to have some together sleep time. I remember how wonderful it was to be able to cuddle without my big preggo belly for the first time after Elizabeth was born. I hope Ruby's good sleep is a new, long lasting trend.
Aaaaa, she is so adorable. And just wait till you see that first smile!!!!!! Best feeling in the world!
I love watching her track your face--she is a sweetie! I was ready for updated pictures, thanks for taking the time to share.
Congratulations! What a precious child you have been blessed with. I couldn't be more excited for the two of you!
SO great! I love them. She is just so cute! And....we dont mind if you change everything to your baby :)
Love you!
Ah. Adorable. Thanks for posting. I can't wait to meet her next weekend...if that works with you two. She's precious. Love it.
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