1. We started birth prep classes... aka Lamaze classes. Tuesday was our first class and I would say, oh 70% of the class my hand was on my forehead and my mouth was hanging open with the thought going through my head: "My body is going to do WHAT???" The most interesting part was when she showed us images of what our internal organs look like pre-preggos, at 5 months, 7 months, and right before labor... and I'm telling you, there's NOT a whole lotta room in there for anything! Did you know your uterus starts as a pear size and grows to the size of a watermelon?? Ey yi yi. My intestines are up in my lungs for crying out loud and my bladder is squished flat! We ended the class with some breathing exercises... on the floor... with mats and pillows. Pretty much EXACTLY what I envisioned from all those scenes from TV shows and movies...
2. We got a crib!!

We weren't super aesthetically picky on what we wanted but we knew we wanted it to be safe, toxin-free, made of real wood (no MDF or other man-made glue fest), and something sturdy that would last through all the Dunlop kiddos... Babies R Us had its fair share of cribs. One I thought I was in love with, but upon second sighting was less than impressed.
Cruising around hoity toity Los Gatos yesterday I stopped into their new baby store/showroom and did the basic baby talk - when are you due, when is your shower, what do you need other than what you're expecting from your shower, etc, etc. I mentioned crib and she said she's thinking of selling a few of her floor models for a great price... yes please! She gave me a quote for one that was $200 less than retail value! Cute, boutiquey Los Gatos=way too fancy for our blood, but with 30-40% off the original price, how could we refuse?? I took Josh back last night and he gave it the thumbs up and we have ourselves a crib! Josh will pick it up next week and we'll clean it and happily check that one off our list. So stoked!
3. A couple weeks ago we found an adorable dresser on craigslist that we have since sanded and primed (and by "we" I mean "Josh")... fun paint color to be applied and final before and after pics to be posted upon completion. Get excited.
4. We've been blessed by the UPS man as of late... my mom has been sending little "you may not think you need this, but you will" items our way... some of the goods? Little MissMatched onesies and bibs and blankets (so cute and fun and bright...), a nursing night light, and the miracle blanket... swaddle up, baby!
5. We're real excited to meet her. Like, REAL excited! :)
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