So you know those speed walkers that compete in the Olympics? If you don't know - they're CRAZY. They do this swivel walk, toe flick, crazy arm move and they do it for a whole 26 miles! It's NUTS. Well, just yesterday I thought I'd go on a walk from Los Gatos to Campbell on the Los Gatos Creek Trail... and try to speed walk it. It's 6.5 miles. Today, my shins are KILLING ME!! I didn't do the whole swivel walk, crazy arm throw, but I'm still sore. My hip flexors and shins are burning today - but I'm glad I did it. A beautiful walk along the creek - leaves turning color and falling on the path... it was quite the sight. I would totally do it again - perhaps not speed walk it like the pros, but it would be a lovely fall walk to take with my hubby... but not today -- I'm still sore.
Audrey...I have a good shin stretch for you. When I get back I'll show...it's literally a MIRACLE worker.
yes PLEASE! I couldn't really stretch it other than just sit on my feet with my toes pointed... so anything will help. Thank you!
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