Dominic is here! Our friend from across the pond has finally made it over and we're so excited to have him. First night - Greek food and fro yo. A staple at chez Dunlop. If you come to visit us, your first night will probably look just the same...
Day 2 we put him (and ourselves) to work!
Pie Ranch is a sustainable farming project that grows everything you could put in a pie... and more! Case and point: we shelled beans. I'll back up. On the 3rd Saturday of every month, Pie Ranch holds a work day where you come, do some work, learn about their facilities and farming in general, and then they have a potluck and a barn dance to thank you for helping out. We arrived a tad bit late but jumped right in...

We shelled beans. Never had bean pie (and apparently they're still perfecting their recipe for it), but tedious work none the less. We then moved to uprooting potatoes and finally moving an irrigation system from the "lower slice" to the "crust" - precious. Here are some shots of the boys at work:

We grabbed dinner with the whole crew (there were about 12 of us in all) - skipped the no-alcohol potluck so the boys could enjoy a cold brewsky for all their hard work. Came back for the barn dance and were completely confused and baffled at the craziness that could occur in one overcrowded barn! There were dogs running in between do-si-doers, there were kids weaving in and out of couples two steppin, there were toes that were crushed and many-an-exchanging of hands (Purel was a MUST!). The caller was a crazy pirate that did mostly complicated couple dancing as opposed to the good ol'
boot scootin boogy line dancing which I know and love... (check out the mullet love in the video!) however, Dominic did get a feel for the good' ol country side of the USA.

Today the boys are cliff jumping... more on our British invasion in the days to come...
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