1. Cut off a chunk of dough about the size of a grapefruit
2. Molded it into the shape I wanted, let it sit for 40 minutes
3. Stuck it in the oven for 30 minutes
4. And wa-la! A kitchen that smells like heaven and a damn good looking loaf of bread (if I do say so myself!) has come to life.

I let Josh be the taster... you know... just in case... the result??
He LOVED it. And not just "I'm hungry so I loved it..." but rather "I'm-glad-I-married-you-this-is-so-freaking-good good!" In fact, he ate 5/6ths of the loaf before I got home! Luckily he saved me some and, I have to say, he was right - it was this perfect crunchy crust with this warm and, dare I say it, moist center (If you are like me and absolutely hate the word "moist" - I'm sorry, but there really isn't another perfect word. If you can come up with another perfect word, please let me know and I will replace it. Until then... deal with it. It was moist perfection.)
I'm telling you... it's fabulous... and SO easy. You mix up the ingredients one day and that one mixing gives you like 4-5 loaves! Everyone has a little Martha in them... embrace it...
the spoon is so proud of you!
you are the second friend that's raved about this book. i might have to channel my inner Martha (but really, could I be Giada instead?) and dust off the old apron.
Care to share the recipe? Or is it worth buying the whole book?
Good job!! I think homemade is the way to go :)
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