Josh will forever be thin. Josh has the metabolism and intestinal strength of a superhuman. In fact, he talks and thinks so often about superheroes, I have a feeling that God may have blessed him with his own super power - eating and eating and eating and eating without the side effects that I get if I so much as LOOK at a piece of chocolate cake... let alone eat 3/4 of it... JOSH! But that said, it's one thing to be thin and it's another to be heart healthy. Now Josh uses his hands and lifts things and carries around heavy things all day long... he doesn't exactly have a desk job, but I wouldn't say he often gets his 10,000 steps a day. So, as of late, and for the first time in Dunlop history, Josh has gotten a gym membership!!
Of course, the first day we get to the gym Josh jumps on the treadmill and basically sprints 3 1/2 miles with minimal sweat while I've been going to the gym on average 4 days a week for the past 3 years and can't even run 3 1/2 miles if I wanted too. *Sigh* But I'm just happy he's going with me and actually enjoying it... and now I have a little rat friend...

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