Remember when...
... I used to actually take pictures...? Like with a camera that doesn't first serve as a communication device? Yeah. Those were the days. Working on it...
... my little baby was actually a baby??? She's a full fledged toddler these days. Her latest trick is to grab the dishtowel bar on our island (which, mind you, is about 5 inches above her head) and pull herself up so she can stand on the first shelf and then lean back, elbows locked. All the while looking at us like "Isn't this great??!!??" Yep. Not a baby anymore.
... I used to think sleeping in was sleeping until 9 or 10AM? HA! Yesterday Ruby woke up at 7:30 and I nearly jumped out of bed I had so much energy! 7:30 = MIRACLE! (Granted this was after 4AM and 5:30AM wake up sessions. I don't care though. 7:30 is just fine on a Saturday morning)...
... my house used to be clean? We had a couple friends stop in on their way back from Santa Cruz and when they walked in they took one look at our living room and said "Wow - Ruby sure did tear apart this room!"... this was AFTER I had tidied up a bit. Yeah... my standards have dropped.
... Ruby pooped in the tub? Oh yeah. That was tonight. Off to clean the tub! Oh the joys...
Have a Beautiful Weekend.
1 day ago