We officially have a walker on our hands. I think I can say that because she prefers to be upright now - before (as in, 5 days ago) it was "yes, I can do this, but I'd prefer to crawl thank-you-very-much..." She's recognizing all sorts of words and can act out simple tasks when asked. "Ruby, where are your shoes?" ... she'll
walk over to her diaper bag, pull out her purple Keen's (thanks mom and dad!), show them to us, and then signs "please" for us to put them on. She's a smart cookie that one. She has a big month ahead... we're heading down to LA next week to go see Auntie Lindsey and Uncle Joey and meet up with some of Josh's cousins at Disneyland. Three weeks from now, Ruby will have her first night at home WITHOUT mom and dad.
Say what? (Nonna and Papa have given us the anniversary gift of sleeping in. In a wonderful hotel room. In Napa. Oh bliss.) Then, in a month from now, we'll be in Washington DC. Wow. I'm exhausted just thinking of the next month ahead of us! Time flies and before you know it I'll be posting 16 month old pics, first day of kindergarten pics, graduating highschool pics... but before I start sobbing, let's take a look at Ruby at 15 months!