literally. in our house. right now. it is a SAUNA. I think Josh may melt.
Today I picked up Ruby from daycare, came home, turned on our little AC unit (you can see the bad boy in the pics below), and then Ruby and I left for about 30 minutes in our nice, cool, air conditioned car in order to let our house cool down. When we got back it was 90 degrees in our house. And that's after the AC ran for awhile. It's pretty ridiculous. Josh's thick Canadian blood is getting to him. Today he got home, showered, pointed the AC vent at the floor, and then laid in front of it with no shirt on and just his undies. It was quite a site. Especially with Ruby crawling around him to get to her toys.

Ruby doesn't seem to mind. She just wears tank tops and her diaper around the house and at this rate her first word will be "water" because we ask her if she wants water about every 3 minutes. Plus, with these temps her daddy busts out the spray bottle, so this is like Christmas for her! :)
ps - never read the novel with the same title as my blog post. I googled it. apparently it is about a hedonistic, anti-intellectual America that has abandoned self control. while that was not the point i was trying to make with my title, if this heat keeps up, that may be the result here at the Dunlop household.