I should rename the blog "the WEEKLY Dunlop" because daily just ain't happening...
I wanted to just document a few observations we have made of our little monkey over the past couple days...
She's a cautious one, that bird. She goes to daycare a few days a week and there is a boy there, Levi, that is 1.5 months older than her. Currently he is pulling himself up and walking around, holding onto furniture. Watching him makes me nervous yet excited. Nervous that our lives will soon be changing once Ruby gets to that point yet excited for her to explore and adventure just that much more. Levi has been crawling for a good few months now and he'll be walking in no time. He's all impulse. He wants it, he'll try it. Ruby is an observer. She watches, processes, takes it all in, comes up with an assessment, and THEN she will act on it. Crawling, in theory, she knows how to do (I'm sure of it), but she hasn't committed to the idea yet - I mean, would you if you had 2 servants to pick you up whenever you wanted to go anywhere? She's brilliant...
Her hands fascinate me. I could stare at her picking up and touching things all day. The way she moves in slow motion because her focus is just that intense. She will hold a stuffed monkey in one hand and with the other hand, ever so slowly and with such precision, she will move her fingers to the very very tip of the tail and lightly touch it, pinch it, then whip it around and throw it behind her... she's so focused!
She's recognizing signs and words - when we sign or say "milk" she LIGHTS up, pumps her legs, and reaches up for you. When you say "up?" to her, she raises her hands in anticipation of being picked up. When you say "more?" when eating, she opens her mouth like a little bird. She's getting to the point when you ask "where's mama?" she'll look at me and the same with "where's daddy?"- she'll look at Josh.
She's adorable... (but we already knew that!)