Welcome to our new home... both in the blog world and in real life! We've made it back from New Zealand and have found our new nesting area in the San Jose region - Campbell to be exact. We are loving growing out our roots here so far. It's a quaint little area of San Jose only a hop, skip, and curvy highway away from the place Josh and I met and only 15 minutes or so to our wedding "alma mater." We're smack dab in the middle of our friends on the East Bay and on the Peninsula side and are literally a 3 minute walk to Whole Foods (LOVE IT!).
How we got here... While in New Zealand I contacted my former employer about any job opportunities for when we came home. There was one that stuck out to me and it ended up being in Morgan Hill - south of San Jose. I took it and things just fell into place.
We found a cute little duplex with a great landlord, Josh will be and has been working with Brad remodeling his house up in San Ramon (his dream job might I add), and we've been busy furnishing our place and finishing the move-in process. We are happy and loving our new little home and new little life... but one thing is still missing - YOU ALL!
We have a guest bedroom - come and stay! We're in the area - come and visit! But first - bookmark our site so you can catch up on the latest - we'll be updating often - and check out our new pad... via the FLIP... enjoy!